Pre- Countdown
WOAH... its 2007 in less than 24 hours. Honestly im not prepared to embrace the coming new year.
2006 have been a roller coaster ride. Things were not easy for me. I had 2 break ups, My dad just Got retrenched, I was unemployed for a while. But still..... im thankful, im thankful that ive got a striving career, im single and i learnt my lesson.
Unlike last year, Tonite im counting down as a single lady and my 2 best fren is not with me. Zai have to work, And lulu is miles and miles away in America. But still thankfully Sherry will be with me.
Met Up with Zai yesterday......... to have our pre countdown. ahackz!
Went to catch the movie BORAT, ( Its Good!! It silly and stupid) something you can look forward to watch to unwind yourself.
While waiting for zai, which was late, me and Nana( accompanied me to wait for zai) took some stupid pics

( Getting Bored, "lets take pics of ourself k")
( is Zai here yet? No! :( )

Memories Of My shade( u'll know y later)
After 25 mins of waiting.. Princess Zai finally arrived. She look HOT!
here's some of the " nothing better to do" pics we took while waiting for our show to start.

Remember i Said, memories of my shades just now? Yeah, Zai, she broke my shades! sob.. sob..
( dont worry zai i forgive you, just remember that other countries are ruled by girls k) haha... thats actually a line from Borat.
Well anyways, for this coming 2007........... i pray that god will keep all my loved ones happy and healthy.
To Zai: May all your wedding preparation be a smooth one. May you and Izam keep each other happy always. And may you have a better time at work
To Lulu: Study Hard, Be the top student in school... May u and your Mr perfect last till the end of time ( insyallah)
And come back soon!!
Happy New Year To all My friends Out there. Together, we'll make it the best year...
cheers! And selamat Aidil Adha to all muslim too...
2006 have been a roller coaster ride. Things were not easy for me. I had 2 break ups, My dad just Got retrenched, I was unemployed for a while. But still..... im thankful, im thankful that ive got a striving career, im single and i learnt my lesson.
Unlike last year, Tonite im counting down as a single lady and my 2 best fren is not with me. Zai have to work, And lulu is miles and miles away in America. But still thankfully Sherry will be with me.
Met Up with Zai yesterday......... to have our pre countdown. ahackz!
Went to catch the movie BORAT, ( Its Good!! It silly and stupid) something you can look forward to watch to unwind yourself.
While waiting for zai, which was late, me and Nana( accompanied me to wait for zai) took some stupid pics
( Getting Bored, "lets take pics of ourself k")
Memories Of My shade( u'll know y later)
After 25 mins of waiting.. Princess Zai finally arrived. She look HOT!
here's some of the " nothing better to do" pics we took while waiting for our show to start.
( dont worry zai i forgive you, just remember that other countries are ruled by girls k) haha... thats actually a line from Borat.
Well anyways, for this coming 2007........... i pray that god will keep all my loved ones happy and healthy.
To Zai: May all your wedding preparation be a smooth one. May you and Izam keep each other happy always. And may you have a better time at work
To Lulu: Study Hard, Be the top student in school... May u and your Mr perfect last till the end of time ( insyallah)
And come back soon!!
Happy New Year To all My friends Out there. Together, we'll make it the best year...
cheers! And selamat Aidil Adha to all muslim too...

@ 3:40 PM