I was blog surfing when i came across this entry from Fezah, I like it so much, that i decide to put it up.
The Meaning Of your Name... Must try!! Very Fun!!
A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joke
B:Popular with all types of people
C: Wierd
D: Has one of the best personalities
E: Freaking Beautiful
F: People wild& crazy adore you
G: Never tell people to tell you what to do
H: Easy to fall in love with
I: Loves to laugh
J: Freaking rowdy
K: Really silly
L: Best smile
M: Makes dating fun
N: One of the best damn Gf/Bf anyone could ask for
O: Loved by everyone
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: Hypocrite
R: Good Gf/Bf
S: The best person anyone could have
T: Great kisser
U: Unlimited hugs from this person
V: Not judgemental
W: Very broad Minded
X: Never tells people wat to do
Y: Is a freak when it comes to parties
Z: Lives life for fun
So now it's time to unveil the meaning of my Name :-
S: The best person anyone could have
A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joke
R: Good Gf/Bf
I: Loves to laugh
N: One of the best damn Gf/Bf anyone could ask for
A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joke
so yeah tats the meaning of my name, and it think its so true! its so me.. :)
and since the alphabet A comes twice in my name... that just shows , tat i really love to Flirt...
hmmm... i wonder if tats true? ;)

@ 2:23 PM