If it's Lovin u Need
lately, after my exams . I have been surfing the net quite often.
Nope im not surfing for latest gossip,Fashion, or porn..
My latest obsession is to read up on Adopting children.
Ive been surfing through a lot of websites.
Yup, some of my Lovelies might have heard this before.
My dream is actually to adopt a child.
I have always wanted to adopt an African child.
Reason being, is because this children are homeless and are left growing up on the streets without food nor shelter.
I may not be rich, therefore if i could help to change at least a child's life.
Y not rite? at least the child will be blessed with the most wonderful thing in life.
A family's Love.

The above pics are real pictures of babies who are looking for parents to adopt them.
Different people choose to adopt for different reason.
A lot of my friends, asked me
1) how will my family react to this adoption?
2) What if, i have my own kids one day
and many other questions that came along with it.
Thankfully my parents are cool with my decision. In fact they will support me all the way.
And even though one day i might have kids of my own.. I do know that i will still love my adopted baby as my own flesh and blood.
Reason being.. i believe every children is a blessing to this world. And i don't pick kids to love.
Because i know that every kid needs to be love.
However, as i mention earlier.. ive been checking through all the websites.
Going through all the process of the applications,
i realised that i am not eligible to adopt. *how sad*
Nope, not because of financial, of status.
But i need to be 25 and above to qualify of adopting.
Im sure there are people out there that might be keen and interested in adopting a child.
here are some of the websites you can check out to learn more about adopting.
Hopefully this website will be useful to those interested in Changing a Child's Life..
as for me, ive still got a few more years to go before i can have one on my own.
Good night for now.
- Love is a blessing! Cherish it..