for those who remember what i always say about marriage,
im sure u all will be giggling to hear this piece of news.
Oh No.. dont get me Wrong. Im not getting Married..
at least Not yet..
Well the news is that i spent the whole night yest surfing the net and thinking bout weddings.
It all started out when i was chatting with my fren who i s getting married next april
and it cost her 35K.
And she started planning since last year..
I was like OMG!!!
yeah.. tats a huge amount of money..
So how much exactly is needed, if someone wants to get married?
And when should you start planning/ paying for those downpayments and all?
Hmm.. i wonder..
Wat if my Boo suddenly wants to proposed to me and get married in like 1 year?
Hehehe.. Husssh!!!
im not being " Shiok Sendiri" Its just a thought ok...
Well yeah.. So should i like start saving now?
Hahaha...... how much of savings per mth will be enough?
Missy Zai and Mrs Ayu..
care to share *Winks*
Zai this will be you very soon...
= )

@ 9:02 PM