I received an sms from Zai just now, inviting me and Hasril to come for her sis wedding.
When i reached home just now, i receive another 2 wedding invitations from my ex colleagues.
= (
Y does it seem tat all my friends are getting married at the same time? Is there some kind of Wedding Virus that have been spreading around?

If there is such a virus, when will it reach me? " i pun nak kahwin!"( i wanna get married too)
Next year My best fren , Zai is getting married same goes with with 2 other ex schoolmates of mine.
See what i mean? " Mak , kahwin kan saya cepat.. nanti jadi anak dara tua" ( Mummy marry me off quickly, or i'll end up an Old Maid.
Ok2... enough of my nonsense blabbering..
Have a good thursday u all!!
I miss my girls..
and i miss my Bf too..
another 2 weeks before i can meet him..

@ 12:36 AM