i was tagged by Fezah, so here goes...

[On the Outside]
Name: Sarina Abd Rahman
Birth Date: 26 September 1984
Current Status: In a relationship
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Some sort of Blonde
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
[On the Inside]
Your Heritage: Dad is indian while Mom is Pakistani+ Malay
Your Fear: Oh wow! theres a few actually, One of it is i fear to lose my loved ones. I cant live without them!
Your Weakness: Desert! I can't resist them no matter how i try
Your Perfect Pizza: Real classic italian pizza with lots of cheese!
.[Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow]
Your First Thought This Morning: I need to do well for my exams
Your Last Thought Before Bedtime: God please forgive all my sins and keep me and Haril together always
Your Most Missed Memories: While in Tampines Secondary ...i miss those time
.[Your Pick]
Pepsi or Coke: err, Mineral water can?
McDonalds or Burger King: Dont matter
Single or Group Dates: No preference...depends...
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Tea or Nestea: tea, i mean " teh tarik"!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: When in need of caffeine, both will do
[Do You...]Smoke: Proud to say NO...
Curse: In my heart Alot!!
Take showers: Yes, of course
Have a crush: no
Think you are in love: Never been more in love!! Yes Im in Love. hehe
Go to school: Yes, still schooling and working...
Want to get married: Hmmm, just Waiting for that someone to propose
Believe in yourself: It's a must!
Think you are a health freak: Not really
[In the Past Month]
Drank alcohol: Never, never once..
Gone to the mall: In fact i just came back from white sands ..
Been on stage: Yeah
Eaten sushi: A long time ago
Dyed your hair: Few months ago...
[Have You Ever...]
Played a stripping game: Nope
Changed who you were to fit in: I dont change to fit it, i change for myself!
You are hoping to be married at the age of: 24 Oh well,~If only...
[In a Guy]
Best Eye Color: Dont matter
Hair Color: Dot matter
Short Hair or Long Hair: Short
[What Were You Doing]
1 Min Ago: Drinking water...
1 Hour Ago: Walking from the mrt station to my house
4.5 Hours Ago: In school, stuck cause of the rain
1 Month Ago: i mth ago at this time, i think im in school..
1 Year Ago:
[Finish the Sentence]
I Love: myself, and i love my life, because im blessed with the best people as my family members, my best frens and My Darling Bf
I Feel: SHIOK!! i finish my exams!
Dammit.I Hate: infidelity
I Hide: in my room, when im scared.
I Need: To lose weight, i need a lot of money, so i can study for my degree and get married, when the time comes. I need to always be with my loved one, always!
The next 5 victims:
Beau Illusion
Khairun Nissa