Time of the Month
On Saturday night, i was on msn chatting with my darling,
and he ask me a question " Will you go out with me tommm?"
and it has been 2 weeks exactly since he last ask me out..
( usually im the one asking him , yeah.. i can be really petty at times)
for him to ask me tat question.. was just so sweet, tat i teared ( Blame it on my Menses Hormones)
So on sunday, met him at city hall and we made our way to esplanade to watch an Orchestra Performance.

The concert Hall
( My first time watching a live orchestra)
after the 1 hr show, we made our way down to mairna square, had Swensens ( his treat),
bought 2 Corn muffins from Kenny Rogers and walk around.
then we went over to creative store.
And my darling suddenly insist of buying me an MP3 ( ive been wanting it)
so Taada!!
2 Gb Muvo Player with all the accesories
Thanks to him.. i got a new Mp3..
and to top the perfect date that i have..
at the end of the day.. he passed me some cash and ask me to use it till i get my pay.
( i was really holding back my tears, super duper touched)
for the last 7 years.. ever since i started work, its always me giving and supporting my family, and for once.. in a very long time.. i have someone to take care of me..
i thank god.. for the blessings given to me..
and thank you to my sweetheart.. for being there, and for all the little things you do.