over this week, i went to watch supposingly 2 great movies.
Went to watch this movie with Hasril.. was all so nervous bout this show.. as i had a very scary incident last month that made me sleep in my parents room for 2 weeks long as i was too afraid to even sleep in my own room..
(trying to save my ass here!)
Watch this show on thursday.. the day it officially launch.
to my surprise.. there were lots of guys who watch it too..
well.. for those who have never watch the seasons.. no worries.. cause u'll still be able to understand the show.
to me.. Sex and The City.. was a far much better show.
there were many funny parts tat made all of us laugh so hard.. and there were also parts where u'll hear the whole cinema crowd goes Ooooh ...AAhhh.. all in awe with the ring, shoes.. fashion.. etc..
not only the show is funny.. it also makes u feel so sad.. i personally teared a few times during the movie.
In Summarize...
Sex and the City.. is about Woman who is constantly in search of Love & Happiness..
it may takes years.. months, lots of botox.. lots of tears..
but in the end.. everyone will have its own uniquely unperfect happy ending
this show.. is a must see! very entertaining..
= )
happy weekends to all!

@ 12:39 AM