* cough * *cough*
notice the update on the left hand side of this blog?
; )
yeah.. ive just updated my wedding countdown.
Ish.. its officially 1 yr to go.
Insyallah.. eveything will go smooth.
So exciting rite!!
and oh gosh... so many things to start doing now.
anyways.. this entry is not only to blabber bout my wedding countdown.
But it is also to congratulate my darling Hasril for passing his M9 paper.
( i was like praying so hard all throughout his paper)
this is the first step of him to become an insurance agent.. and insyallah to earn a lot for Me to spent him to save up for the wedding.
So.. yay!! he passed!
Congratulations Darling!
now only left for him to take his M5 paper... (i heard its suppose to be easier then M9)
once he passed.. he will be a qualified insurance agent..
and so anyone looking or wanting to know more bout insurance can contact him ya!
( ceh! so sweet of me ah.. helping her darling )
anyways.. i pray he will do well for this paper as well.
( Im like sooo kanchong for his Paper, its like as if im the one taking the exams! Ceh!)
And the second person i wanna congratulate is also my dearest Ayu ( my ex schoolmate)
i got an sms frm her saying that she's pregnant.
( ok2.. * religious mode shitched on* - alhamdullilah.. hehe )
Damn.. i was literally jumping for joy!!
Congratulations to Ayu and Mohd!!
"Semoga direstui anak yang sihat dan yang soleh!"
To sum it all --- though, my day didnt start out well.
amd even though.. i spent 10 mins crying in the toilet this afternoon due to the pressure of work, company finance, staff probs.. etc..
overall im glad i ended the day in a fantastic way.
and tats because..
i was serenade by 2 good news to end up my day.
My hubby pasing his exams and my darling fren being pregnant!
to be happy for another person's joy and happiness can also bring happiness to yourself.

@ 11:56 PM