Woo hoo... welcome back to my humble blog. hehe.
Ok first stop, i would like to congratulate my darling best fren , Missy Zai for passing her driving license.
To Zai " would u like to be my personal driver on my wedding day? at least u can make me laugh on the road" ;)
second on my mind now, is my new job. Im loving it so far.
Its sooooo fantastic not to be a manager ( other then having a huge pay cut)
cause after 6 long years, i can finally just work for myself and not to worry bout all the people under me.
So pray hard i'll do well in my job ya..and hopefully it can turn to be a career for me one fine day
Third on my list now, is none other then my wedding.
Gosh, no matter how much you've done, everynight before you go to sleep, u will think to yourself, is there anything out that needs to be done?
Thats my case.. gosh, Stress and excited rojak into one feeling.
So is this normal ladies??
so anyways, this are the things ive done.
Deco - unique touch
Room deco - Decorama
Food- Nizera catering
Andaman - RH bridal
Barang Hantaran - BELUM BELI.
Music & Entertainment - Roslan Yus ( this is a veteran singer, mak2 kita mesti kenal)
Kompang- " i dont know wats the name, Zai? wats the name eh?"
hmm, is there anything else i miss out?
Anyways to my darls out there, my wedding is on the 27 june. So make yourself free k.
Dont say i never say Hor!
Till then, Have a great Weekends from us,

@ 11:20 AM