I never really understood when people use to tell me, that sometimes a wedding brings out the worse in a woman.
From a gentle woman, she can turn out pretty Ugly.
3 mths to my wedding, and i finally realise wat those sentences means.
Take me for example, i am one of those simple ladies around, who most of the time is pleased with the simple things in life. Hence the nick Plain Jane. ;)
But being a bride to be, just makes me feel all so weird inside. U start to become paranoid, extra demanding, extra worried, extra choosy, extra sensitive ( Basically extra everything in the bad dept)
And currently I'm facing all this peculiar behaviours..
Well not that my wedding is gonna be a grand event or anything, but i just wants it to be simple and sophisticated. ( Wonder how i will ever achieve tat)
If some of u have read the previous entry of mine, i mentioned that my Andaman is RH rite?
Well, lately I've changed it to Putri Mas
Reason - The make up artist, Yaqin is no longer with them, and i have been calling them up for my fitting for many weeks, and they kept saying the makeup artist will call me. Bad Service! So i had to follow my gut feelings, and do wats best that is change to my mak andam that i use for my engagement. Kak Nor from Putri mas.
So i did the right decision rite peeps?
Becos of this decision of mine, me and hasril got into a tiny winy clash between each other.
Normally i will be the person who will calm things down, and talk things out and settle it peacefully.
But No.. not this time round, This Crazy Bride to be, just had to start raising her voice, and breaking down in tears like it was such a big2 arguments. When actually it is not.
Another Observation of mine, as the day gets closer, i keep feeling scared and Nervous.
Knowing the fact that after June, i will no longer be single and there comes a whole lot of responsibility for me, be it being a wife, daughter in law, mummy.. etc..
One other thing i have been doing quite lately also is to pick a fight with hasril, i will start talking bout all the past, and start asking him stupid question of whether we is serious of getting married to me.
Sometimes, i seriously think I'm going crazy and I'm one hell of a delusional biatch!. Cause there is actually no reasons for me to start feeling all this, when Hasril has been nothing but a great partner towards me.
People always say, being in an engagement there will be lots of cabaran,
to be honest i sincerely think that our cabaran is none other the Me. I am one of the biggest cabaran, cause hasril have to continuously pacify me, treat me over the top well, going out the extra mile, just to have me in the right state of mood.
Crazy Rite?
I think, not many brides to be feel the way i do. Dont get me wrong, its not that I'm not ready to settle down and all, its just that i think I'm just too stressed out with all this wedding preparations ( if u don't want to blame yourself, find something to blame on! * winks* )
Anyways since im typing this entry about me being the BRIDEZILLA, i just wanna take this opportunity to tell Mr Hasril, that im sorry for all those moodswings ive been giving u. Im sorry that ive been testing your patience and thank you for still being understanding and standing by my side through all this craps im putting u into. Love u lots!
And to my readers, im sorry that ive been missing and not updating my blog. Im sure reading my above entry will somehow explain the reason of those mths of no updates.
But i do hope i'll try to update it more often k. :)

@ 11:23 PM